Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina. For your philanthropy primer reading pleasure, here’s all that’s fit to print.
Antioch College president ousted from his position, that’s the bad news. Good news is that Antioch University McGregor is opening a new facility just down the street. If you remember, the MBA program move from the college campus to a university specific location off-site is what spurred the college closing debacle. Stay tuned, you haven’t heard the end yet. Any alumni base that can raise $5.3M (in a weekend) isn’t going to let it’s alma mater go down without a fight.
If you’re a donor to The University of North Texas, odds are you’ll have a hard time finding your name on an annual donor list. Best quote of the article is “We’ve never had a problem with it, but it’s not in the best interest of donors to list their names.” Mr. McQueen might be right, the last thing you want to have on your hands is a Mean Green donor (pun intended).
Other events significant to higher ed advancement:
Colleges add student fees to respond to decreased support
Restricted giving in the news in Lynchburg and Princeton
What do the Cayman Islands, Congress and hedge-funds have in common… if you guessed “ideal location for a slimy photo-op” you’re wrong. If you guessed “there’s an off-shore storm brewin’ and I don’t mean hurricanes” you’re not far off. See what the Chronicle of Philanthropy has to say about the debate being brought to congress.
If I said it once, I’ll say it a million times… take another look at online giving, only this time do it like you mean it. Oh, but don’t forget the Boomers .
Two posts that I think merit a full read:
Emotion & Logic in Philanthropy
Leveraging Philanthropic Assets
Okay, you know the drill. Feedback and comments are strongly encouraged. First to respond with an interesting news item not referenced in my Google Reader list: will win a great surprise (courtesy of Carol Lee). Honestly Carol, what am I gonna do with 99 red ballons?